Organisational Development

What actually is Organisational Development (OD)?
The definition proposed by The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development defines OD as being:
“a planned and systematic approach to enabling sustained organisational performance through the involvement of its people”
Organisational development is where interventions are developed with a ‘systematic mindset’ – they create alignment with the organisations goals and activities in a planned and intentional way, with a view to bringing about a particular result that will improve the overall performance of the organisation.
OD is closely related to transformation management in the sense that many developments and projects will ultimately be implemented using transformation management practices. As we are now accepting and witnessing continuous organisational transformation OD provides that systematic planning and all-important oversight, ensuring that any necessary transformation is aligned with the organisations core purpose and vision.
Drawing on extensive past experiences of delivering major organisational transformation Able and Rush have built up a deep understanding of how projects are successfully delivered. Organisations will benefit from the plethora of learning Able and Rush has accumulated from previous projects assisting you to smoothly navigate the common pitfalls that occur in order to reduce a project’s effectiveness. By taking a critical look at your pre-implementation strategy we can focus on and reduce those potential risks that will prevent or reduce your vision being successfully implemented. Some of the important factors that we consider during any pre-project development as well as during the life of the project are:
• Project Vision
• Project team formation, development, training and support.
• Stakeholder management and engagement
• I.T. Support
• Realistic project timelines
• Staff training and support
• Communication strategy
• Provision of Change Agents – recruitment, training and ongoing development
• Early life project support
• Personal responsibility and accountability
• Transformation Management – Individual staff behavioural responses and reactions
• Developing and understanding collaboration & engagement
• Organisational readiness and maturity
• Fine Margins
• Pre and post mortem project reports
• Risk management
Able and Rush will work with your organisation to achieve its vision. We will help you to navigate complexity by unpicking and analysing what the organisation is trying to achieve, diagnosing underlying issues and challenges whilst realising opportunities, ultimately selecting the best approaches to develop your organisation.
For a no obligation and confidential conversation to explore how your company could thrive and flourish through a structured and sensitively delivered programme of change please contact us at Able and Rush.