07980 718872 david.howell@ableandrush.com Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm


Mediation is a means by which organisations can easily create a win-win situation between employees, turning conflict from a negative situation to a positive one.

The vast majority of conflict is created by parties simply misunderstanding  each other with a lack of appreciation and a lack of context as to the other persons particular situation that they find themselves inhabiting at that moment in time. That context needs to be considered carefully with individuals potentially affected by multiple internal and extrinsic factors.

The resolution of any conflict starts with a deeper understanding of yourself which then contributes to a deeper understanding of others and an enhanced ability to contextualise situations.

By working in a non-judgmental manner, whilst building trust within a psychologically healthy environment, Able and Rush will make conflict a positive experience rather than a negative one, where relationships are rebuilt on a solid foundation of mutual respect and understanding which will survive the test of time.

There is also potential to use ground breaking and innovative psychometric tools to accelerate this process, bringing greater self awareness to people in conflict. Understanding yourself then provides you with a greater understanding of others and the enhanced ability to contextualise the particular set of circumstances surrounding you and others and that moment in time. Most importantly,  it allows all parties you to explore in depth the real root causes of any current or future conflict and to keep that at the very heart of a healthy discussion therefore preventing any conflict from becoming personalised.


”The more you learn about your own mind, the more you learn about other people’s minds. You begin to appreciate other worlds, other people’s life situations. You are learning to expand your vision beyond what is just there in your immediate situation, on the spot, so your mind is opened that much more”

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


For a confidential and no obligation conversation on how these sensitive  situations can be navigated in order to produce potentially productive and positive outcomes contact  us at Able and Rush.